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Tuesday, March 15, 2011

What is the cause ?

What happened to our world. 

           Unexpected world events, the tsunami waves were in southern Thailand and several Indian Ocean countries in late 2004, massive floods in China, followed by the storm in Japan and Taiwan, northern Thailand and the severity of hurricane in southern of USA, damage not less than U.S. $ 35,000 million.

           The enormously damage from food in many areas, hundred thousand of Sardines  turned up dead in a Southern California marina. All members of a pod of 107 pilot whales that stranded on a remote New Zealand beach have died, including 48 that were euthanized. 

           On February 22 2011 at 9:07 am (NZDT)  New Zealand suffered its worst natural disaster for 80 years yesterday when a 6.3 magnitude earthquake struck the cathedral city of Christchurch, killing at least 200 people.

On Friday, March 11, 2011 at 02:46:23 PM - Local Time Japan was hit by one of the largest earthquakes ever recorded. The magnitude-9.0 quake spawned a deadly tsunami that slammed into the nation's east coast, leaving a huge swath of devastation in its wake. Thousands of people are dead and many more are still missing or injured.

          This incident has drawn attention of the human world. Especially scientists turn to ask questions with concerns that "What happened to the planet. Scientists around the world try to find answers, many scientists are trying to assume that something catastrophic happens as a consequence from the Climate Change phenomenon, or climate change.

         What is the cause you think ?
         March 15,2011

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